Career development
10 Platforms to Start Online LearningThe top 10 online learning platforms to keep growing in your career!

There are a lot of online learning platforms out there - how do you choose the right one for you? In this article, we’ll examine ten of the top online learning platforms and what you need to consider when looking to boost your career.

Career development
How To Identify Your Work Values (And Why It Matters)What are work values & why you should identify yours

Have you ever been unhappy at work? Really, truly, Sunday-night-is-ruined because-you’re-dreading-Monday-morning unhappy? If you have, you know it’s a terrible feeling - and you might be worried about having that feeling again at a new job.

Career development
Tips for Achieving Your 2021 GoalsTips to achieve your new year goals

As the new year starts, many people set new goals for themselves.

Pay & salary
Negotiation - Getting In The Right MindsetHow to negotiate salary? Discover our tips and tricks!

Negotiating a salary may fill you with dread, but it’s actually not that daunting. With the right preparation and strategies under your belt, you can handle this phase of the recruitment process with confidence and tact. View here for our expert tips and tricks so that you can handle salary negotiations.

Standing Out In A Virtual InterviewStanding out from the crowd - in a bad way

A virtual interview gives you plenty of opportunities to leave a good and a bad impression on your interviewer.

Standing Out In A Virtual InterviewStanding out in a virtual interview: make a lasting impression

Everyone worries about standing out from the crowd in an interview setting - and it’s suddenly much more difficult when you become a face on a screen. Here’s our top tips for standing out in a virtual interview and making a lasting impression.

Finding a job
How Finding a Job is Different after 2020How finding a job is different now

After a tumultuous 2020, the years following bring renewed hope for many people - and many organizations. As the economy seeks to get “back on track,” the hiring world is moving forward into a future which may feel unfamiliar to many job-seekers.

Finding a job
Fighting Off Job Search FatigueHow to manage your job search fatigue and 5 ways to overcome this!

Managing a job search can be both challenging and frustrating. Follow our top tips to successfully navigate this process and avoid job search fatigue.

Cover Letter
Cover Letters: A Simple GuideHow to write a Cover Letter: A guide with everything you need to know

You’ve created a spot-on resume, but that isn’t necessarily all you need. Combining that resume with a targeted, well-written cover letter could be what lands you an interview over an equally qualified candidate. It’s easy once you know the structure and steps.

Career development
Different Emotions of Job LossHow to recover from a job loss

The words 'recession', 'unemployment', and 'lay-off' have been driven into the minds of anyone with a television set. Unfortunately, this is because these words apply to a significant portion of the population. If you're one of those people who has recently lost a job, you may find yourself going through quite an extraordinary array of emotions.

Career development
Refining SMART Goals to Achieve ResultsRefining SMART goals to achieve results

The sociologist Laurence J. Peter said, "If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else." So make sure you get to where you want to be by using SMART goals. In this article, you’ll learn what they are, how to write them, and what you can achieve.

Career development
Remote Work: 4 Things You May Not Have ConsideredRemote work: 4 things you may not have considered

Looking for remote work? Remote jobs are ever popular, and this doesn’t look likely to change any time soon. But have you considered the finer details of remote working? Read our article to find out four things you might not have considered about remote work.