Career Path

Career Path

Every career journey will have twists and turns. Learn how to make smarter choices, select the right career for yourself, and prepare for success as you navigate your career path.

Career Path
The how-to guide on making a career plan for your working life cycleCheck out our 5-step guide to making an effective career plan

Think of career planning as futureproofing your life. The task involves deciding where you want to stand on a professional level years from now. Read on to learn more about how to create an effective career plan.

Career Path
What is better for your career path: startup vs big companyWhat is better for your career path: startup vs big company

Should I work for a startup or a big company? This is not an easy question to answer, but we’ll give you a breakdown of the differences and benefits of each one. Along with some information and tips to help you make the best choice.

Career Path
Discover 10 artificial intelligence career paths to go after in 2023!Discover 10 artificial intelligence career paths to go after in 2024!

Career paths in artificial intelligence are one of the hottest trends going. If you are into technology and want to be on the cutting edge, then an artificial intelligence career path may be for you. We’ll cover why this is a great area to get into and what the latest and greatest jobs in artificial intelligence are.

Career Path
Be prepared for the future. Find out what the most in-demand jobs over the next 5 years will beBe prepared for the future. Find out what the most in-demand jobs over the next 5 years will be

What will be the most in-demand jobs in the next 5 years? Some of the hottest jobs are obvious, but will those jobs be around in five or more years? We’ll tell you some of the hottest industries and jobs that will put you on a path for the next five years and beyond.

Career Path
Pros and cons of working from home to consider for a next career movePros and cons of working from home to consider for a next career move

With the pandemic, working from home has become much more common. Is it right for you? In this article, we'll discuss the pros and cons of working from home and help you decide if it fits in with your career plan.

Career Path
How to take a year off from work and focus on your future careerHow to take a year off from work and focus on your future career

Feeling like you need a change? Does work feel like a drag? Explore options for taking a year off of work! Taking a break from work can be one of the best tools for your career growth. We’ll tell you how and why you should consider taking time off of work.

Career Path
Quitting your job without having another lined up? Think about this.Quitting your job without having another lined up? Think about this.

Ideally, you should have a new career lined up before you quit your old job. Sometimes, though, quitting your job is the best choice for your long-term career and mental health, even if you’ll spend some time unemployed. Learn more about when and how it’s best to part ways from your current career.

Career Path
Follow these 3 steps to discover your ideal career pathFollow these 3 steps to discover your ideal career path

Looking for your dream job and a career that excites you? Look no further. Learn about the seven steps you can take to discover your ideal career path.

Career Path
How can you point out your bilingual skills to get further in a career?How can you point out your bilingual skills to get further in a career?

Bilingual skills in the workplace are a huge asset and in demand. If you’re bilingual, highlight these skills if you’re looking for a new job or keen to progress. Follow our expert guide for help.

Career Path
When everything is important how do you prioritize your workWhen everything is important: how do you prioritize your work?

Swamped with work? Not sure what projects you should tackle first? Draw on the strategies in this article to improve your task-prioritizing skills and deliver quality work on time.

Career Path
Everything you need to know about career planning!Everything you need to know about career planning!

From fresh graduates to C-suite employees, everyone can benefit from spending some time on career planning. Let’s take a look at what career planning is all about.

Career Path
For a major work-life balance think about these 9 flexible careersFor a major work-life balance think about these 9 flexible careers

Often, professionals are forced to choose between having a job that pays well and a job with flexible working hours. With the careers listed in this article, you can receive decent income AND control when, where, and how often you need to work.

Career Path
How to thrive by strategically planning your moves up the career ladderHow to thrive by strategically planning your moves up the career ladder

Climbing the career ladder means strategically progressing from lower positions to increasingly higher-level roles that match your purpose as well as providing better pay and prestige. Do you want to learn how to effectively and successfully climb the career ladder as you move along your chosen career path? We give you all the information here!

Career Path
What are the best careers for the future: in-demand and high-payingWhat are the best careers for the future: in-demand and high-paying

Looking to find out what are the best careers for the future? This article surveys the fastest growing sectors for employment, and identifies the highest paying, in-demand careers that are projected to remain in demand for the next decade.

Career Path
All the inspiration you need to write a promotion recommendation letterAll the inspiration you need to write a promotion recommendation letter (with examples!)

Been asked to write a promotion recommendation letter? Great! It could be just the boost they need to get that promotion. We’ll give you what you need to write an effective promotion recommendation letter and a copyable example you can use!

Career Path
How a career path quiz can help you plan your future!How a career path quiz can help you plan your future!

Taking a career path quiz can help you discover what motivates you to do a job. Find out how taking a career quiz can help tailor your job search toward the career path that fits you best!