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  2. Career Path
  3. Follow these 3 steps to discover your ideal career path
Follow these 3 steps to discover your ideal career path

Follow these 3 steps to discover your ideal career path

Artwork by: George Mager

  • What is a career path?
  • What is the meaning of an ideal career? 
  • How do I choose my ideal career path?
  • 1. The right mindset
  • 2. Work with a career coach
  • 3. Assessment tools 
  • Key takeaways

Looking for your dream job and a career that excites you? Look no further. Learn the three steps you can implement right away to discover the ideal career for you.

The great thing about children is their ability to dream and imagine without fear. If you listen long enough, you will inevitably hear a child say what they want to be when they grow up – a policeman, a doctor, a firefighter, or an astronaut. Many will say they want to be all of them at the same time. 

As we transition into adulthood many of us lose that ability to imagine our perfect career, but it is still possible. The three easy steps in this article can help lead you to the success and happiness of a purposeful career.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • What is a career path?

  • What is the meaning of an ideal career?

  • How do I choose my ideal career? 

What is a career path?

Before we get into how to discover our ideal, let’s understand the meaning of a career path. 

A career path describes the vertical and sometimes horizontal steps we take in the progression of our career, often through a connection of jobs leading to more advanced positions while climbing the career ladder.

What is the meaning of an ideal career? 

When it comes to the meaning of an ideal career, you must first choose your career goal and what an ideal career looks like for you. This comes from self-awareness and honesty about what you really want.

  • Are you simply looking for a paycheck with a higher salary?

  • Are you interested in the status which comes with promotions and titles?

  • Are you looking to answer your calling and fulfill your purpose in life?

We often credit Confucius with the adage, Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life. No matter who actually said it, it’s a gem! 

In the article Significant Work Is About Self-Realization and Broader Purpose: Defining the Key Dimensions of Meaningful Work the authors conclude, “If we are able to provide people with work where they can realize themselves and where they feel they are serving a broader purpose, we give people the opportunity to truly feel that their work is significant and worth doing.”

Statistical Insight

A 2016 research poll by the Pew Research Center found that 51% of American workers say they are either somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with their jobs.

How do I choose my ideal career path?

1. The right mindset

Discovering your ideal career starts with a positive mindset. It is vital that you mitigate threats and overcome mental obstacles preventing you from choosing your ideal career path. Some ways to do this include:

  • Do not overthink the process.

  • Stay motivated and excited about your future.

  • Envision yourself doing what you love.

2. Work with a career coach

Working with a certified career coach can be a rewarding experience. The career coach will help you focus on your individual and career goals and challenge you while guiding you in expressing your dreams and goals for your ideal career path. When working with a career coach, you will clearly define, execute, and achieve your career goals.

3. Assessment tools 

Here are several assessment tools to help you navigate the complexities of finding your ideal career path. Some assessment tools are free, and others have a fee. There are tools here that you can use by yourself and others that require a trained and certified professional. 

These assessment guides and tests will provide insight into your values, motivation, skills, personality, and interests to help guide you to your ideal career.

The Career Path tool is specially designed to help you discover and compare your next best steps. 

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI is a personality assessment tool providing 16 personality types. Knowing your MBTI type can help you recognize careers that will be satisfying and provide you with fulfillment. It is administered by a certified professional.

This free assessment combines the Myers-Briggs theory of 16 personality types with the Holland Code system of career typing.

As a career-oriented assessment tool, it matches your aspirations, activities, and talents to your best career options. The tool is broken into six types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

  • The Page Work Behavior Inventory (PWBI)

You’ll assess your work style to gain insight into the best job fit while also identifying your strengths and potential weaknesses.    

These are a set of self-directed career assessment tools to help you discover your ideal career path.

The CliftonStrengths Assessment will help you identify your strengths, leading to an ideal career with increased peace and harmony in your personal life.

This new state-of-the-art tool assesses your career interests and aligns them with the interest profiles of various career fields. With this assessment tool, you are more likely to find satisfaction in a career field that fits your interest.

Read more about how a career path quiz can help you plan your future.

Key takeaways

  1. A career path describes the vertical and sometimes horizontal steps we take in the progression of our career, often through a connection of jobs leading to more advanced positions while climbing the career ladder.

  2. When it comes to the meaning of an ideal career, you must first choose your career goal and determine what an ideal career will look like for you. Self-awareness and honesty are key.

  3. The three important steps to discover your ideal career path are to get in the right mindset, work with a career coach, and use the right assessment tools.

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