Having a well-written resume can open doors to lots of job opportunities, but should you opt for a one- or two-page version? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the one page resume: when to use it, how to create it, and more.
Selecting the right font for your cover letter is important because it can impact the first impression your letter has on potential employers. Learn what font to use for a cover letter and some of our top tips in this article.
Are cover letters worth the time and effort? Cover letters can show the hiring manager that you’re serious about the role and could influence their interview decisions. We’ll explain the purpose of a cover letter, with key elements you need to include.
Studies show that Americans have become less ambitious at work. Could choosing a career with a proven pay structure make promotion more appealing? Career.io analyzed the pay gap between junior-level and senior-level workers around the U.S. to see where ambition pays off the most.
Having a viable list of references is an important part of your job search. But should you list your references on your resume? We’ll walk you through how to choose your references and how to provide them to a potential employer.
Determining how long a resume should be depends on several factors. Most importantly, it should always put you in the best possible light. We’ll give you the insight you need to make sure your resume is the right length, no matter your experience level.
You know you need a resume to get a job, but how do you write a resume if you have no experience? This article shows how to write a resume with no experience and set you apart from the crowd.
AI can be a powerful job-hunting tool that helps you create effective resumes and cover letters quickly and easily. We'll share with you the best AI tools for your cover letter and how to ensure it helps you get the job you want.
AI is here to stay, and it makes sense that we leverage this tool to save time, money, and stress in the job hunting process. In this article, we’ll show you how to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter, including prompts, examples, and more!
You’ve made it through the first round of interviews and are now ready for the second. Now, it’s time to learn some second interview tips that will help you land the job! Check out our guide for help with that.
Want to make the most of your investment in a career coach? This article shows you how to prepare for a career coaching session and maximize your results.
Being fired is never an enjoyable experience. And what happens when it’s time to apply for a new job? This article details how to avoid saying you were fired in an interview!