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  3. Here's how to build a personal brand that can help your career
Here's how to build a personal brand that can help your career

Here's how to build a personal brand that can help your career

  • What is a strong personal brand?
  • What is the secret to personal branding?
  • What is the “ABCD” of personal branding?
  • 7 Steps for building your personal brand
  • Key takeaways

How can you create a personal brand worth talking about? In this digital age, you’ll want to know how to build a personal brand on and offline to get ahead in your career and leave people talking—in a positive way.

Like it or not, you are often judged on first impressions. In fact, research has shown that most people develop a first impression of someone within seven seconds. And since a good portion of your brand exists online, your digital presence is just as important as your real presence. So how do you make it count? To leave people with a good impression requires knowing how to build a personal brand.

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • What is a strong personal brand?

  • What is the secret to personal branding?

  • What are the ABCD's of personal branding?

  • What are the seven steps to building your personal brand?

What is a strong personal brand?

A personal brand shouldn’t be confused with a professional reputation. True, they can intersect, but in general, a reputation consists of your past work and the opinions people hold of you. Your brand, which your reputation can be part of, should also let people know the benefits that would come from working with you. 

A personal brand allows you to develop your name or business by putting forth a specific message about your personality, talents, and core values. This doesn’t mean coming up with a fictitious persona; your personal brand should be a true reflection of you and what you bring to the table. Overall, it helps create a sense of trust and consistency, adds more layers to your professional and personal story, and  establishes what makes you unique.

As writer Oscar Wilde once said, "Be yourself, because everyone else is taken." This quote can do more than benefit your personal self. It’s helpful if you're building your business and network, trying to obtain a promotion, or looking for a new job.

What is the secret to personal branding?

Personal branding has nothing to do with gaining followers or being a social media influencer. Ironically, it doesn’t have a lot to do with you as a person. Much of it has to do with the other person. It’s about offering value and motivation—people care more about what you can do for them, and how your brand makes them feel. So, the true secret of personal branding is to figure out who you are, what makes you special, and how you can help other people.

Expert Tip

What is the golden rule of personal branding?

Establishing your personal brand can seem overwhelming, but it really comes down to a few basic principles. When building your personal brand, here are seven "golden rules" to keep in mind:

  1. Be authentic

  2. Stay focused

  3. Be reliable

  4. Maintain a positive attitude

  5. Learn from your failures

  6. Seek ways to help others

  7. Create content that tells your story

What is the “ABCD” of personal branding?

Building the groundwork for a strong personal brand means you need to have a strong sense of self, identify how you want others to see you, and convey your value. So when building your brand, keep in mind the "ABCD" formula.

A stands for appearance and authenticity, choosing to put your true self front and center in the best possible light. B is for behavior—how you comport yourself. C is for communication and credibility, and D stands for your digital presence, such as social media or blogs.

Also, remember that “P” is for patience. Don’t jump into the personal branding area until you’ve done your homework. Consistency is important, and you won’t develop the all-important trust if you keep changing your message.

Statistical Insight

According to a study performed by Brand Builders Group, 74 percent of all Americans say they are "more likely to trust someone who has an established personal brand."

7 Steps for building your personal brand

So, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. You now know why it’s important to your career, but you need to know how to create a personal brand. 

Below are seven steps:

  1. Figure out what makes you special and/or unique. What do you want to be known for?

  2. Have an idea of what success means to you—what is your personal “mission statement?”

  3. Define your target audience. You can’t appeal to everyone, so figure out how you can reach the people who are important to your career.

  4. Establish a consistent message across all your platforms, which will help build trust with your target audience.

  5. If you don’t already have one, create a personal website, ideally with your own name as the web address. And have a strong social media presence on sites such as LinkedIn or Instagram. Keep your personal account separate from your business account—a potential client or employer probably doesn’t need to see pictures from your last trip to Ft. Lauderdale.

  6. Network! Developing professional relationships can help you become known in your field and grow your brand.

  7. Be authentic. There are so many people out there who are just trying to “sell” something. Instead, provide value to your audience without implying “So what can you do for me?”

Looking to take the next step in your career? Career.io’s Pathway to Promotion tool will teach you proven strategies, provide important checklists and templates, and help you master the art of asking for (and getting) the promotion you deserve.

Key takeaways

  1. A personal brand allows you to develop your name or business by putting forth a specific message about your personality, talents, and core values.

  2. When developing a strong personal brand, remember that much of it has to do with the other person—establishing what you can do for them.

  3. It's important to identify what makes you unique and create a consistent, trustworthy message.

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