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  3. 7 Career change tips that will lead to your new job
7 Career change tips that will lead to your new job

7 Career change tips that will lead to your new job

Explore a new career

Considering a career switch up? Pursuing a new career path can be an exciting time but also daunting as you contemplate the potential risks and challenges. We’ve got you covered with our top career change tips to lead you to your new job.

Are you at a career crossroads and wondering which way to turn? Maybe you're disillusioned in your current career and looking for a fresh start or a complete career pivot. Deciding to make a career change can be an exciting time, but you’ll probably feel hesitant too as you think about the potential risks and pitfalls.   

While changing careers can seem daunting, with the right, tactics, and strategies, you can navigate this process with confidence and achieve your new career goals.

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • Evaluating your passions, talents, and skills for a career change

  • Establishing SMART goals 

  • Networking and maximizing opportunities for a career change

Statistical Insight

Recent research studies have found that most people will change careers at least once in their lives, but the average person will go through three to seven careers before they retire. This looks to be on the increase, with Millennials and Gen Zers job hopping a lot more than previous generations and projected to change careers five to seven times in their lifetime.

7 Tips to prepare for a career change 

Sharpening your focus on what is important to you and what you are good at will enable you to identify your dream career and then create a plan to achieve your goals. 

Here are seven career change tips to help you get started: 

1. Evaluate your passions and talents

Explore your strengths, in terms of what you are good at as well as what you’re passionate about. If you can find a role that blends both of these factors, it’s a winner! Also, reflect on your values. Determining what exactly you care about can help you identify what really motivates you. 

For example, if you’re a teacher, with strong problem-solving skills and a passion for technology, looking for a career change, then a career in tech could be a great career move. Career opportunities in EdTech could also allow you to fulfill your mission to help young people by improving technology in schools. 

2. Identify transferable skills

One of the most common concerns of people facing career transitions is the fear that they lack the necessary skills for their desired career. Many people tend to think of their abilities as one-sided, only applicable to the type of work they’ve always done. This concern is why career coaches focus on revealing their client’s transferable skills, the abilities and skills you already have which you’ll bring with you to the next stage of your career. 

To pinpoint your transferable skills, write down a list of specific tasks that you have done at previous jobs, hobbies, or volunteer work. Underneath each one, write down the special skills or abilities that were required to do this task. Identify the five skills that have been most impactful for you in both your personal and professional life. Create a list of key achievements for each skill on the short list. Rank the five skills from most impactful to least impactful. This is not a judgment on your skills; it’s more to develop a clear sense of which skills have created the most impact.

  • Consider your personality type when making decisions about your next career move. The Myers-Briggs test is a useful tool to help you find a role that aligns with your personality type.
  • Be afraid to ask for support. Changing careers can be challenging. Family, friends, a mentor, or career coach can help you overcome any obstacles and help you stay motivated.

3. Establish SMART goals

Changing careers tends to be a gradual process, so it can be easy to lose motivation and throw in the towel at times. One of the best career change tips is creating SMART goals. These enable you to track and monitor your progress, helping you stay motivated.

Short-term goals could include developing your network, securing a mentor, or beginning a professional certification. Long-term goals could relate to entering your target field, salary growth, and continued professional development. 

4. Fill any skill gaps

Check out any education or training requirements for your career change. If you aren’t actively pursuing these studies, then find out which colleges and universities can help you secure the required certifications. If your target career is based more on practical experience, then look to secure an entry-level role, volunteer work, or freelance gigs. Even a part-time job or an internship can help you successfully get a foot in the door.

Expert Tip

If you’ve registered or just started certifications for your dream career, then include this information on your resume. Highlight education as “In progress” or an expected completion date and be clear if any experience is voluntary work or an internship. These approaches will help you target your resume in the right direction.

5. Consider different roles with your existing company

Career changes don’t alway have to be a drastic shift. If you’ve reached a point where you're no longer enjoying your current job but love the company you work for, then a new path within the same company could be the answer. 

Perhaps you’ve been working in a customer service role but would love to pursue a career in HR management. Flagging this with your boss and highlighting your strong commitment to the company, along with a willingness to complete any required HR certifications, is likely to resonate with your employer.

6. Networking 

There are many benefits to professional networking. Building mutually beneficial relationships with fellow professionals can provide you with valuable industry insights, allow you to connect with a mentor, and even hear about upcoming job opportunities. 

Focus on enhancing the reach of your LinkedIn network by talking to friends or professionals currently working in your target industry; reach out to new contacts. Attending relevant conferences, seminars, and industry events can also  boost your network of contacts.

7. Don’t fall into the trap of self-doubt

Imposter syndrome, when deciding to change careers, can be a major issue. With the sense that you haven’t earned what you’ve achieved, you may feel stuck and unable to move forward. Avoid falling into the trap of self doubt by identifying what is holding you back and what triggers these feelings of self doubt. Then, work on the solutions you can apply to negate these feelings.

Plan your future success with Career.io’s Career Pathways tool. Explore potential career interests, identify required skills, bridge skill gaps, and stay updated on job demand and competitive salaries. 

Key takeaways

  1. Your target career should play to your strengths and talents, align with your goals, and lead to high levels of happiness and fulfillment in your life.

  2. Conduct research on career paths that align with your findings, then create short- and long-term goals and actively track your progress. 

  3. Pursue education, training, and networking activities relevant to your career change as this will help you progress toward your goals. 

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