1. Career Advice
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  3. Follow these 10 top career coaches for advice that helps your career!
Follow these 10 top career coaches for advice that helps your career!

Follow these 10 top career coaches for advice that helps your career!

Artwork by: Katya Vakulenko

  • What are career coaches?
  • What can career coaches do for your career?
  • How can you look up career coaches?
  • 10 Top career coaches (and what they specialize in)
  • 1. Beatrice Kim
  • 2. Gina Visram
  • 3. Jasmine Escalara
  • 4. Madeline Mann
  • 5. Jason Treu
  • 6. Nadéjiah Zakiyyah
  • 7. Joshua Patterson
  • 8. Donna Svei
  • 9. Sarah Johnston
  • 10. Kyle Elliott
  • Key takeaways

Interested in working with a career coach? These 10 top career coaches offer advice that can really help your career!

Are you struggling at your current job? Do you have long-term professional goals, but no idea how to reach them? A career coach might be just what you need! These professional mentors, each a veteran in their home industries, can give excellent advice about your current career path and brainstorm ways for you to get your dream job! The 10 top career coaches below are especially worth following.

This article covers the following topics.

What are career coaches?

Sports coaches help athletes improve their technique and physical condition. Career coaches, by contrast, are business experts who help professionals improve the way they work and seek out new opportunities. Many modern career coaches focus on teaching their clients in one-on-one lessons, while others might also publish books, work as guest speakers, or post content on blogs or social media.

Specific career coaches might market themselves to help clients:

  • Achieve better work/life balance.  For example, struggling parents or professionals with heavy workloads.

  • Master the art of recruitment. For instance, showing leaders how to find and train excellent employees.

  • Break through glass ceilings. Not being promoted due to gender, race, sexuality, nationality, etc.

  • Build their personal brand. In other words, learning how to demonstrate your skills, successes, and values.

  • Improve their chances of getting hired. Such as, building better resumes, preparing for interviews, sending follow-up emails, etc.

  • Manage workplace stress. Addressing heavy workloads, mental health issues, difficult customers, etc.

Statistical Insight

A recent report by the iPEC (short for The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) revealed some neat statistics about coaching customer satisfaction.

99 percent of clients interviewed by iPEC reported they were “satisfied or very satisfied” with the career coaching courses they took, while 96 percent stated they’d be willing to repeat the coaching process again.

The report also cites a study by the Personnel Management Association about how surveyed professionals who received training improved their productivity by 22%, while pros who received training and coaching had an 86% productivity increase.

What can career coaches do for your career?

If you’re not satisfied with your current career path, there are lots of ways career coaches can help you. If you hire them directly, these coaches can offer sessions with customized advice on how you can boost productivity or realize your ambitions. If you can’t pay the cost of a career coach (classes, workshops, etc.), you can research a career coach’s philosophies by reading any articles, advice columns, blogs, newsletters, or ebooks they’ve published for public consumption.

Depending on your current career goals, career coaches can help you

  • Build better work habits such as showing up on time, communicating more with co-workers, etc.

  • Get promoted in your current company, get a higher-ranked job at another company, etc.

  • Search for jobs more effectively by learning how to spot good/bad jobs, submit more applications without sacrificing quality, etc.

  • Learn how to network better by attending mixer events, reaching out to promising contacts, etc.

  • Build your social media presence by identifying your target audience, picking the right social media platform, posting engaging content, etc.

  • Master key leadership skills such as team-building, decision-making under stress, conflict resolution, etc.

  • Make a career pivot happen by identifying your key skills, passions, comfort zones, etc.

  • Settle into a new workplace with new responsibilities, colleagues you don’t know, different norms, etc.

How can you look up career coaches?

If you want to hire a new career coach—or just follow them online— there are several resources you can use to look them up.

Currently, the biggest nesting ground for career coaches online is LinkedIn, a website that doubles as a job board and a place for professionals to self-promote. LinkedIn is full of career coach profiles that you can send messages to, and many of these career coaches like to post news and nuggets of advice on their profile pages. 

Other career coaches might host their profiles on private websites or dedicated professional coaching websites such as BetterUp. Some might promote themselves on Facebook or Twitter, and quite a few publish advice podcasts on platforms such as Google Podcast or Bandcamp. Finally, you can learn more about 10 top career coaches on the market by reading what’s below.

10 Top career coaches (and what they specialize in)

The 10 career coaches below all have strong online presences, sterling reputations, and approaches that can transform a client’s career in promising ways. Each of these coaches specializes in different styles of career coaching, as detailed below.

1. Beatrice Kim

A career coach with a strong LinkedIn presence, who offers 6-month client lesson packages, business leadership assessments, and event workshops on her website “Beakim.com.”

Her career coaching services focus on being more socially conscious, making hard decisions, managing mental health while busy, helping parents and caregivers avoid work burnout, long-term planning, and building healthy habits. Has a career advice blog on Medium.com called the Bea Kim Coaching Blog.

2. Gina Visram

A career coach based in the United Kingdom, who offers one-on-one coaching courses, speaks at business/career events, and uploads self-learning resources to her Limitless Coaching website.

Her career coaching specialties, as detailed on LinkedIn, include: helping graduates break into job markets, helping professionals avoid burnout and achieve a good work-life balance, and helping women/ethnic minorities find opportunities for advancement. Gina’s 61-episode podcast series, “Creative Career Solutions for Parents,” offers advice for parents who want good careers that let them spend time with their families.

3. Jasmine Escalara

A career coach with a heavy LinkedIn presence, who works primarily with women of color. Posts video and text resources on her LinkedIn profile about acing job interviews, quitting unsatisfying jobs gracefully, working towards promotions, and getting raises. 

Offers one-on-one coaching sessions and consultations. Recently released a free learning course on LinkedIn called "Rebuilding and Rebounding After a Layoff."

4. Madeline Mann

A career coach who’s an expert in human resources and recruitment. Posts videos about job application tactics, recruitment strategies, and long-term career moves on her LinkedIn page and her YouTube channel “Self Made Millennial.” Offers free job search assessments on her Self Made Millennial website and live group coaching programs on the art of searching for jobs.

Published two ebooks full of job search advice: “Fill In The Blank Job Hunt,” which talks about job searching, and “Job Interview Secrets,” which talks about ways to answer popular interview questions.

5. Jason Treu

A career coach and keynote speaker who offers talent development and teamwork program courses for companies, human resource departments, and team leaders. On LinkedIn and other platforms, teaches executive-level clients how to recruit promising employees and motivate them to perform at their peak.

Sells and promotes the ebook “Social Wealth: How to Build Extraordinary Relationships by Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Lead and Network” on his website “jasontreu.com.”

6. Nadéjiah Zakiyyah

A career coach who can be found on LinkedIn. Focuses on helping women business professionals achieve power, income, and success while sticking to their core values. Uses an analytical approach called “career alignment” to identify the best roles for client’s strengths and build new strategies for their job search.

Publishes a free weekly newsletter on her website called “The Prosperous Career Pivot,” which offers tips and how to pull off successful career changes. Also works as a guest speaker and consultant on how professionals can rebrand and reshape their career narrative.

7. Joshua Patterson

A career coach, resume writer, and co-founder of P&C Career Services with a strong presence on LinkedIn. Offers 30-minute consultations designed to help clients evaluate their resume’s strengths, prepare for interviews, and develop their leadership skills. 

Posts articles on LinkedIn about proper job interview follow-up, improving LinkedIn profiles, the importance of addressing superiors by their proper business titles, and other such topics.

8. Donna Svei

A resume writer and career consultant who publishes free career tips, resume samples, and other career growth resources on her AvidCareerist website. Offers executive resume consultation courses where she interviews clients, and then helps them build their resumes and web profiles from the ground up.

Publishes a career blog with advice on topics such as modern job search tools, acing job interviews, and quitting jobs gracefully. Often uploads posts about recruiter networking and other career topics on her LinkedIn profile.

9. Sarah Johnston

A career coach, executive resume writer, interview coach, and branding specialist with over 1 million followers on LinkedIn. The posts on her LinkedIn account are full of info on how to ace job interviews, improve LinkedIn profiles, and other similar topics.

Founder of Briefcase Coach, a resume-writing business for talented professionals who struggle with interviews for executive-level positions. Contributes to “Briefcase Coach’s Career Briefs: Job Search Smarter,” a newsletter with articles full of tips on how to find jobs, evaluate offers, and debunk common job myths.

10. Kyle Elliott

A career coach specialized in interview prep, resume design, and LinkedIn profile creation. Self-promotes on LinkedIn as a coach for tech professionals who work in Silicon Valley. Offers free first consultation services, virtual workshops, and deep-dive coaching sessions on his Kyle Elliott Consulting website. A professional public speaker who lectures on professional development, managing your personal brand, and mental health in the workplace.

Also hosts and updates a Job Search Blog full of advice on topics such as politely declining job interviews, finding remote tech jobs, and creating good profile photos/banners. A certified Health Education Specialist and member of the Forbes Coaches Council and Gay Coaches Alliance.

To learn more about ways you can boost your career, check out Career.io’s own Expert Writing Services and Job Search Strategy video lessons.

Key takeaways

  1. Career coaches are professionals who can help you find new jobs, master key professional skills, and seek out new career opportunities.

  2. Most modern career coaches have a strong presence on LinkedIn.com and other job board websites.

  3. If you can’t afford a career coach’s lessons, workshops, or guest speaking fees, you can study the learning resources they share on their websites, blogs, newsletters, YouTube channels, or ebooks.

  4. The 10 career coaches in this article have different focuses such as acting job interviews, building your reputation, teaching leadership skills, or balancing work with home life.

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