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  3. How to write a fitting resume header. With 5 examples!
How to write a fitting resume header. With 5 examples!

How to write a fitting resume header. With 5 examples!

  • What to include in a resume header
  • How to write a resume header
  • 1. Format your header
  • 2. Make your name prominent
  • 3. Include your professional title
  • 4. Add your location
  • 5. Provide your phone number
  • 6. List your email address
  • 7. Stand out with professional links
  • 5 Resume header examples
  • 1. Basic resume header example
  • 2. Resume header example for an entry-level professional
  • 3. Resume header example for an experienced professional
  • 4. Resume header example for someone who’s relocating
  • 5. Resume header example for someone with a recent name change
  • Tips for writing a great resume header
  • Know what to avoid
  • Keep it short and simple
  • Proofread your header
  • Key takeaways

A recruiter or hiring manager may only spend a few seconds reviewing your resume. Make sure you create a strong first impression with a professional, attractive resume header. Follow this guide to learn what to include and how to format this part of your resume.

Unlike some other parts of your resume, the header probably won’t take you much time to create. However, it’s worth knowing how to optimize this part of your resume, since it’s usually the first thing a hiring manager will see when they review your application. A good resume header does more than just provide your contact information. It shows a potential employer your expertise and creates a positive first impression about your skills and value.

This guide will show you how to write a fitting header for a resume. We’ll go over:

  • What to include in your header

  • How to write the perfect resume header

  • Some helpful examples you can use for guidance

  • Additional tips to make your resume stand out from the crowd

What to include in a resume header

Before you start making your resume, know what to include in the header. At a minimum, this section should list your:

  • Name

  • Job title

  • Location

  • Phone number

  • Email address

Besides your contact information, a resume header can also include:

  • Licenses or certifications. You can showcase a relevant license or certification you have to demonstrate to employers your expertise in the field.

  • Professional links. Providing links to an online portfolio, blog, or professional social media profile can set you apart from other candidates.

Resume header template

Follow this template to write a header for your resume:

First Name Last Name [Job title], [Optional certification or license]

[City, State], [Phone number], [Professional email address], [Optional link to a professional portfolio or social media profile]

How to write a resume header

Now that you know what to include in a resume header, let’s go over how to create this section of your resume. Follow these steps to create a professional, eye-catching header to get your resume noticed:

1. Format your header

No matter which type of resume you choose to create, place your header at the top of the document. That way, it will be the first part of your resume a hiring manager reads. You can choose to center your header in the middle of the page or align it with the left margin. Make sure you use the same font in your header as the rest of your resume to keep it consistent.

2. Make your name prominent

Your name should stand out from the rest of your resume so employers can easily identify your application. Bold your name and use a larger font, like a 14-point or 16-point size.

In general, include your first and last name in your resume header. However, make sure the name on your resume matches the one you use on your other professional profiles. For example, if your full name is Samuel but you go by Sam on your online portfolio and social media sites, then use Sam on your resume.

Expert Tip

Have you changed your name recently? Use the version that hiring managers are most likely to find when they search for you online. You can also reflect a name change by placing your former name in parentheses. For example, if you changed your name when you got married, you can include your maiden name like so:

Jennifer (Smith) Harding

3. Include your professional title

If you have experience in the industry you’re targeting, it’s a good idea to include your professional title in your header. It tells a potential employer you have relevant experience in the field or industry. Provide your title below or after your name in a smaller font.

If you have a professional license or certification, you can also include this credential with your job title. For example, if you are a certified project management professional, you can include the acronym PMP after your name; however, you should only do this if the credential is a common requirement for the jobs you are targeting.

4. Add your location

Gone are the days of providing your full address on your resume. After all, it’s pretty unlikely that a potential employer will contact you by mail to schedule an interview. Instead, simply add your current location, including the city and state.

Many hiring managers want to know where you live to make sure you’re a local candidate. If you’re applying for a job in another city but you’re willing to relocate, indicate that in your header by writing “open to relocating.”

5. Provide your phone number

Provide your phone number so recruiters know how to contact you for an interview. Use the best number for employers to reach you, like your personal cell number.

Don’t list your work number on your resume, even if it’s the one you use most often. It sends the wrong message to potential employers—and may even create unnecessary tension at your current job.

  • Check to make sure your voicemail isn’t full so you can receive messages. You don’t want to miss an interview opportunity because a recruiter couldn’t leave you a voicemail.
  • Forget to create a professional outgoing message for voicemails. For example, you might say, “Hi, you’ve reached (your name). I’m sorry I’m unavailable right now. Please leave your name and number, and I’lll get back to you shortly.”

6. List your email address

Along with your phone number, your email address is a common way for hiring managers to connect with you. If you’re still using an old email address, like [email protected], take a few minutes to set up a professional email address. Use a combination of your first and last name or your initials. Here are some common email formats to use:

One more tip: Just like you shouldn’t use your work phone number, don’t use your current work email address on your resume.

7. Stand out with professional links

While optional, professional links can show a hiring manager you’re a serious candidate for the position. If you want to include these links on your resume, place them in your header after your contact information. Some links you might include are:

  • Professional website or portfolio. For some positions, like a photographer or graphic designer, it’s common to include a link to your website or portfolio. This link can provide potential employers with samples of your work.

  • LinkedIn profile. Many recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn to screen candidates or review their professional qualifications in more detail. If you add this link to your resume, make sure you fill out your profile, so it creates a good impression.

  • Other links. In some cases, it may be worth adding other links to your header. Do you blog about your work or industry? Do you use other social media sites to build your professional credibility? Make sure other links you include are relevant to the position and appear professional.

5 Resume header examples

Whether you’re writing your first resume or your 40th, use these resume header examples for some inspiration:

1. Basic resume header example

Jon Stevenson Nurse Practitioner

Chicago, Illinois, 314-397-3947, [email protected]

2. Resume header example for an entry-level professional

Amanda McBride

Denver, Colorado | 147-934-7948 | [email protected]

3. Resume header example for an experienced professional

Sarah Portsmith Digital Marketing Specialist, Certified Digital Marketing Associate

New York, NY, 294-379-4719, [email protected], sarahportsmith.portfolio.com

4. Resume header example for someone who’s relocating

Alex Norwell, Sales Representative

Relocating to Los Angeles, CA in April 2024 | 374-397-1738 | [email protected]

5. Resume header example for someone with a recent name change

Emma (Caldwell) Davis Finance Manager, CPA

Houston, Texas, 837-491-7394, [email protected], linkedin.com/ecaldwell

Tips for writing a great resume header

Want to make your resume stand out? Use these tips to write a good header for a resume:

Know what to avoid

The header creates a first impression and sets the tone for the rest of your resume. Make sure it’s sending the right message with relevant information about your professional qualifications. In general, don’t include the following information in your header:

  • Personal social media profiles. If you use Facebook to stay in touch with family or post personal pictures on Instagram, don’t include links to those profiles on your resume. In fact, set your personal profiles to private so employers can’t see what you post on those sites.

  • Multiple phone numbers or email addresses. Limit your header to one phone number and email address. If you include more than one, hiring managers might get confused about how to reach you.

  • Personal details. Don’t provide personal details about yourself, like your beliefs and values. Leave them off your header (and the rest of your resume, for that matter).

  • Page title. There’s no need to include a title for your resume at the top of the page, such as “Resume.” Save this space for your name and other contact details.

Keep it short and simple

When in doubt, keep your header short and simple. Unless you’re applying for a creative role, refrain from using bold colors, fonts, or other unusual design elements. This type of formatting might create problems if employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen your resume.

Proofread your header

It’s easy to skip your header when proofreading your resume, since it contains basic information like your name and email. However, that’s exactly why it’s essential to check this section before you submit your resume. A typo in your email or a missed digit in your phone number can have serious consequences when a hiring manager tries to contact you. Plus, errors in this section of your resume create a less-than-stellar impression on potential employers.

Want more help with writing a great resume? Check out the ultimate Resume Builder from Career.io to create a polished, professional resume in minutes! 

Key takeaways

  1. Your resume header is generally the first part of your resume a hiring manager reviews, so it’s worth taking the time to make it appear professional.

  2. A resume header usually includes your name, job title, location, phone number, and email address.

  3. You can add optional details to your header, like credentials and relevant links, to distinguish your resume from others.

  4. Review some examples of good resume headers to help you create your own.

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