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What to do if you want to transfer jobs within the same company?

What to do if you want to transfer jobs within the same company?

Artwork by: Polina Shpak

  • Reasons for transferring
  • Transfer job within the same company
  • Benefits of a transfer within same company
  • How to transfer jobs
  • Example letter for requesting a transfer with the same company
  • Tips for transferring jobs at your current company
  • Key takeaways 

Transferring jobs within the company you already work for can be much easier than seeking new opportunities outside the company. But when should you transfer? And how do you go about it? These are things to carefully consider before you jump in and start applying for internal positions.

Looking for a new job can be a challenging task. If you are frustrated or bored with your current job, then you should consider looking for something different within your company. It can be way less stressful and much easier than leaving your current company.

If you want to transfer jobs within the same company, it may not be all rainbows and kittens, but sometimes you have to take a risk to propel your career forward. We’ll talk about some of the key points to consider when thinking about changing jobs within your current company.

  • Why would you want to transfer?

  • When is transferring a good thing?

  • What is the best way to transfer jobs?

  • Example of a formal transfer letter

  • Tips for transferring jobs within your current company

Reasons for transferring

A transfer is a great way to start a new career path without having to go to another company. If you aren't happy with your current role, but you really like the company, then one of the first places to look for a new job is with your current employer. When you are interested in changing your job function, departments, or location, check out what your company has to offer.

There are good reasons for staying at the same company. You may want to keep your tenure, or you like the benefits the company provides. The pay is good, and you really get along well with the people in the company are also good reasons to stay. If you want to move to another location, then transferring within the same company may be an option, assuming the company has an office in that location, or if they’ll allow you to work remotely.

Transfer job within the same company

When you are seeking to move to a new city, switch departments, or work in a different functional area or role, you may be able to ask for a transfer. Check your company’s policies about transfers and applying for other jobs within the company.

Is transferring really what’s best for your career? Or will it just take you down another dead-end road? Some things to think about before making that move:

  • How long has it been since your last promotion? If your company is investing in your career development, and you are getting promoted every few years (or more), then you may want to continue down that path. On the other hand, if it has been several years, and you aren’t progressing, then it may be time to look elsewhere. Don’t just settle for lateral moves that don’t fit your career development expectations.

  • What is your long-term plan? If you don’t think you will stay with the company for more than a few years, then a transfer may be a bad idea. Liking your manager and coworkers is important, but it is not a good enough reason to stay if you’re not growing in your career. However, if the company culture works for you, and you think another area or location will better develop your career, then an internal move will allow you to keep all the good things you have now and still try something new.

  • Will the new position get you closer to your career goals? A promotion is great, but if it is just a title and more money, that may not really move you forward in your career plan. You need to feel challenged and that you are learning new skills. Think about what you want from your career. What makes you happy? If it’s just moving up the ladder and making more money, then cool. Stay the course and keep working your way up. Otherwise, look for something more.

Benefits of a transfer within same company

There are benefits for you as well as your company if you transfer. Most companies encourage promoting from within. Human resources are the most valuable assets that any company has. Finding an external candidate to fill a position is more difficult and more expensive than using the people they already have.

For you, quitting your job and finding another one would be stressful and possibly costly. An internal transfer would likely allow you to retain your current pay level (or more - if it is a promotion), retirement plan, health care coverage, vacation, benefits, perks, and relationships with co-workers.

How to transfer jobs

Most companies have policies and procedures concerning internal transfers. Check with your HR department to see what they are. If your company is smaller and doesn’t have an HR group, then the first place to go is your current boss or supervisor. It is always a good move to talk to your boss about your interest in changing jobs first. You do not want to blindside them with a transfer request.

Follow whatever process your boss and HR recommends. There will probably be a process for applying for open positions within the company and may be similar to what an external person would do. You’ll still have to interview and go through a hiring process. The good news is that internal candidates usually get some preferential treatment, a more streamlined process, and additional options that an external person won’t.

Example letter for requesting a transfer with the same company

Your company may want you to request a transfer in writing. Creating a professional letter for your transfer will improve your chances of getting it approved. When writing your letter, make sure it includes the following:

  • Your reasons for wanting a transfer

  • Your background with the company

  • Details about your transfer request

  • Why you think your transfer will benefit the organization

Here’s an example of a transfer request letter:


[Your first and last name]


[City], [State] [Zip code]

[Phone number]

[Email address]


[First and last name of recipient]

[Job title]

[Company name]

[Company street address]

[City], [State] [Zip code]

Dear [Mr., Miss, Ms. or Mrs., and the recipient's last name],

I am writing to request consideration for a transfer from my [current position] as [current title] at [company name] to a [future role] at the [office location] in [city and state]. I would like to transfer positions due to [reason for wanting a transfer].

My time with [company name] has been thoroughly enjoyable, and I greatly appreciate everything I've learned in my current role. I am confident my management, communication, and technical skills would be fully utilized at the [location] office. Not only will I make a positive contribution to that team, but I am also excited about the tremendous growth opportunities available as a [future role].

I've enjoyed and benefited greatly from working with everyone at the [current location], and I hope to continue to grow within [company name]. Please find a copy of my updated resume for your review. If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


[Your name]

Tips for transferring jobs at your current company

If you are looking to transfer within your company, then be cautious. Your management and coworkers may not look favorably on it, and it could jeopardize your current position. However, you can benefit greatly by taking advantage of new opportunities.

Here are a few tips on the best way to handle job transfers:

  • To locate good opportunities within your company, check out their website. They may also have email lists you can get on to be notified about new openings. In smaller organizations, you may have to rely on word of mouth or even paper bulletin boards. Always keep your eyes and ears open.

  • Communicate with your boss about it first. You don’t want them to feel you are doing anything behind their back. However, sometimes your boss' personality may make it difficult to discuss a transfer. If you find yourself in this position, then you should go to your HR representative or your boss’ boss. The key thing to remember is that you need to communicate your intent to someone in management before you proceed.

  • Talk to the people that work in the area you are looking to transfer to. They’ll give you a better idea of what you would be getting into. It is also a good opportunity to establish good relationships before you get there.

  • Don’t burn your bridges. Even if you are set on transferring, continue to perform well and have a good attitude about your current job. You need to stay on your boss's and coworkers’ good sides because their opinions of your work will follow you.

  • Be professional when you apply for an internal position. Don’t just assume they know who you are and how good you are. Provide a full resume with qualifications and references, just as you would for an external job.



- Review your company's internal transfer policy and process.

- Discuss candidly with your manager that you would like to transfer.

- Consult with your HR department about transfer opportunities.

- Go around asking people if their department has any openings.

- Talk with other managers about positions they have without informing your manager.

- Apply for internal positions without talking to your manager or HR first.

- Openly discuss your desire to transfer with your co-workers.

Key takeaways 

  1. Make sure a transfer is the right move for you before applying.

  2. Look at your long-term career goals to make sure the new position fits your plan. 

  3. Be transparent with your current boss. 

  4. Follow the internal rules for doing a transfer.

  5. Don’t burn your bridges with your boss or coworkers.

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