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How to put a positive spin on quitting your job

How to put a positive spin on quitting your job

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If you’ve decided to quit your job, you should consider leaving on a positive note so that you don’t burn any bridges. Here’s how you can put a positive spin on quitting your job, depending on the circumstances.

Life is all about opportunities. The more you strive for professional development and growth, the more job opportunities you’re likely to come across. Whether you’ve discovered your next major career move or you’ve simply had enough at your existing job, you need to know how to put a positive spin on quitting your job.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss:

  • Scenarios where quitting your job might be the best course of action

  • What to do in a situation where you need to quit your job and leave on a positive note

How do I quit my job positively?

Let’s face it. In these uncertain times, the last thing anyone would want to do is to let go of their jobs. However, in some situations, you really don’t have any other option but to quit. 

Here’s a look at five circumstances where you can put a positive spin on quitting a job: 

1. You’re feeling burned out at work

Job stress is normal, but when it reaches unmanageable levels, you’re likely to feel burned out. If you want to leave your job because of that, you’re probably not alone. In 2022, one of the biggest reasons people left their jobs was because of burnout

Some employers try to make amends when their employees are leaving due to burnout, so this conversation may not be easy. This is especially true for mid-senior level employees because the organization will do its best to convince them to stay. 

If you want to quit because you’re finding it difficult to handle stress, have a candid conversation with your supervisor. Be honest about how you’re feeling. Talk about how your mental and emotional well-being is being affected, and make a compelling case for quitting your job. The focus of the conversation should be about how quitting will benefit your well-being. 

2. You need to look after a loved one

Of all the reasons you would want to quit your job, taking care of a loved one is perhaps the most compelling one. In fact, if you need to look after a family member, your organization might offer a number of incentives to make you reconsider your decision to quit—such as flexible working hours, more time off, reduced workload, and/or emotional support. 

When having a conversation with your employer, you can be truthful. You don’t necessarily have to delve into the specifics, such as your loved one’s diagnosis. Talk about how this issue is not just taking a toll on your loved one, but how it’s affecting your own well-being. 

3. You don’t have any career progression opportunities

At some point in your professional career, you might feel like you’ve hit a brick wall. There might not be any opportunity left to grow, be it vertical or lateral promotion, coaching/mentoring opportunities, or the chance to learn a new skill. When that happens, it’s perfectly normal to consider quitting and looking for a more challenging opportunity.

If you’re planning to quit because you don’t feel there are any growth opportunities left at your organization, be tactful in the conversation with your supervisor. Also, you might want to accept a better offer at another organization before submitting your resignation letter. 

Discuss how the new opportunity aligns more closely with your professional goals and that it’s the next logical step in your career. To put a positive spin on quitting, you can also mention that if a job role arises in the future that aligns with your interests, you would be happy to discuss it with your employer. 

4. You’re facing an ethical dilemma at work

There are times when resigning from your job is not only the most logical but also the safest decision. This holds true if your organization is forcing you to engage in an unethical activity that could jeopardize your career in the long run.

If you have no other option but to hand over your resignation due to an ethical dilemma, be honest about it. When talking to your employer, mention how this activity is against your personal and professional ethics. If you can prove how this decision is not only unethical but illegal, you can then convince them how you have no choice but to resign. 

5. You’re just looking for a career change

A career change isn’t just an opportunity for growth. It’s a chance for you to pursue something you’re truly passionate about. If you feel like you’re not heading anywhere with your existing job role and you don’t enjoy it either, consider pursuing other opportunities that align with your goals and interests.

Talk to your employer about the reason you’re considering a career change. Also, it would be a good idea to first secure a job in your field of interest before handing over your resignation letter. You can explain what your long-term goals are and how the new job opportunity will help you pursue them. 

Are you looking for your next big career move but don’t know where to start? Let our expert career coaches help you out.

Key takeaways

  1. Resigning from work is perfectly acceptable, as long as you leave on positive terms.

  2. Before leaving your employment, have a candid conversation with your supervisor.

  3. It’s always best to first secure a new job before handing over your resignation letter.

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