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  3. What are your chances? Look for these signs you will get the job after an interview
What are your chances? Look for these signs you will get the job after an interview

What are your chances? Look for these signs you will get the job after an interview

Artwork by: Antonina Kasyanikova

  • Seven good signs you’ll get a job offer after an interview
  • Four possible signs that you got the job
  • How quickly do you hear back from a job interview?
  • How long does a good interview last?
  • Key takeaways

There’s no greater feeling than having had a good interview. But not all good interviews lead to job offers. Look for these signs to tell you your chances of landing the job.

When you’ve had a good interview, you can feel it. You walk away with a smile on your face and excitement about the possibilities. But any professional will tell you that just because you hit it off with the interviewer, doesn’t necessarily mean you will receive the job offer. 

In this article we’ll discuss:

  • Examples of signs you’ll receive a job offer

  • Signs you might get the job

  • How long an interview should last and how quickly you should expect to hear back

Seven good signs you’ll get a job offer after an interview

While we can’t make any guarantees, if you experience any of these signs, there’s a good chance that you will soon be hearing from the interviewer to offer you the job. 

1. They indicate they like what they hear – A great sign that you’ll receive a job offer is when the interviewer actively sounds impressed by what you say. They might indicate this by saying something along the lines of, “That’s great to hear, it’s exactly in line with what we’re looking for.” 

2. You find yourself in casual conversation – If an interviewer is not interested in pursuing a candidate, they will not typically take the time to engage in casual conversation with them. If you find yourself talking about hobbies or personal life, it’s a good sign that the interview has gone well. If you experience casual conversation in addition to other signs, your chances of receiving a job offer are high. 

3. They offer to give you a tour – Getting a tour of the facility or office is not necessarily common during an interview. If you’re given a tour at the start of the interview, there is a chance that it’s just company protocol. However, if you go through your interview and it’s feeling good and are then given a tour, it’s definitely a sign that you will land the job. If an interviewer offers you a tour, always accept. 

4. You're introduced to other staff, especially executives – If an interviewer wants to introduce you to their colleagues, chances are high that you will be offered the job. It would take up a lot of time to introduce every interviewee to the office. If you are being introduced, there’s a good chance you will be offered the job. Use the opportunity to make a good impression on those you’re introduced to, and express your eagerness to work together. 

5. You’re told "when you’re hired" and not "if" – Employers are careful to not make promises during interviews. This is particularly true when an interviewer could be more impressed by a candidate. They use vague language like, “The person hired will do…” and “If you’re hired you’ll get…”. If you hear an interviewer say, “When you start you’ll be part of X department,” it’s a sign that you have a good chance of getting an offer. 

Statistical Insight

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), on average the interview-to-offer rate is 47.5 percent, so around 48 of every 100 candidates receive a job offer. 

6. They contact your references – There are two ways you might learn that an interviewer has contacted your references: They inform you that they will be reaching out, or you hear about it directly from one of your references. Getting in touch with references can be time-consuming, it’s not something done for every candidate. If your references are being contacted, you are a top contender, if not the top.

7. They ask if you’ve applied or are interviewing anywhere else – The workforce is competitive on all sides. Employers want a good candidate just as much as workers want a good employer. If the interviewer is seriously interested in you for the position, they will not risk letting you be hired by a different company. If you are asked about other work prospects, you are not only a top candidate, but you might even have some leverage in negotiations. 

Four possible signs that you got the job

These indicators could possibly mean that you got the job, but they can also just be signs of a good employer. While they’re still signs of a good interview, they don’t necessarily promise a job offer.

  1. Perks and benefits are discussed – Details like benefits should always be outlined during the interview process. A good employer is made by wanting the best for their employees. Companies are usually proud of what they offer, so it’s normal to learn about it during an interview. 

  2. You’re asked about your salary expectations – Employers need to keep the budget at the forefront. If they have a top candidate who is asking for a salary that’s way out of their range, it will likely not result in employment. Discussing salary in an interview is not a given, but it should be expected. 

  3. They tell you about the follow-up processes – A sign of a good company is that they have an onboarding policy in place. If they discuss the follow-up process, it might simply be informative. 

  4. Your schedule/availability is considered – If an employer offers a candidate a position without having discussed availability and schedule, then they cannot enforce their expectations. Therefore, it’s very likely that the position’s schedule will be discussed at some point in the interview process.

Interview-to-offer rate image

How quickly do you hear back from a job interview?

Every hiring situation is different. During your interview, you can ask outright when you should hear from someone. If that day comes and goes, you are now within reason for following up to inquire about their decision. It should be noted, however, that those who receive an offer will likely hear within the week, and for sure by the date given.

How long does a good interview last?

When it comes to the time frame of the interview, it’s best to let the interviewer take the lead. As the interviewee, it’s important to respect the time allotted. However, if the conversation naturally goes longer than expected, don’t interrupt it because of time. The interviewer will speak up if they need to wrap things up. If they don’t, it can be a good sign that they are enjoying your conversation. Keep it rolling!

Thinking about polishing your interviewing skills? Our Interview Prep tool offers customized AI feedback to help build your confidence and ace your next interview.

Key takeaways

  1. There are signs in every interview that can help indicate whether or not you should anticipate a job offer. 

  2. Just because an interview went well, doesn’t mean you will receive a job offer. Know the difference in signs between a promising interview and an interviewer acting professionally.

  3. If you have been waiting to hear back after an interview and a week passes, you can reach out to confirm their decision. 

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