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  3. How to know when to resign? Watch out for these red flags
How to know when to resign? Watch out for these red flags

How to know when to resign? Watch out for these red flags

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No one wants to quit their job, but you might run into a situation where you have no other choice but to hand over your resignation letter. This article explains those red flags and how to know when to resign.

At some point in your professional career, you’re likely to reach a crossroad. Should you continue with your existing job or quit? While the choice is entirely up to you, there are a couple of ways to know when to resign. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at:

  • When should you consider leaving your job?

  • Why do you need to consider resigning? 

How do you know when it’s time to resign?

2021 is often dubbed as the year of the Great Resignation.This was a time when a lot of people left their jobs voluntarily, which changed the overall corporate attitude toward resignation. However, you don’t necessarily need to wait for the next global event to quit your job. 

Here are six red flags that could indicate it might be time to move on: 

1. Your workplace is toxic

There are a wide variety of factors that make a workplace unhealthy, including micromanagement, dishonesty, publicly shaming employees, no accountability, ineffective communication, and harassment. In the long-run, a toxic workplace can have a detrimental impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

If you feel like you’re stuck in a toxic work environment, you could consider resigning. Look for healthy ways to cope with stress and negativity before you switch jobs. A new job opportunity in a healthy work environment may boost your overall health and make you more productive. 

2. You’re not adequately compensated

One of the biggest reasons why people quit their jobs was insufficient pay, especially during the Great Resignation. While some companies offer other perks that compensate for a lower-than-average salary, such as more paid time off and a remote working opportunity, other organizations are notorious for having under-compensated employees.

One of the key drawbacks of being undercompensated is that you won’t feel motivated at work. Also, you might not be able to bear the cost of living, which could exacerbate your stress and anxiety. For this reason, you could consider looking for well-paid opportunities elsewhere. And once you find a new job, you would hand over your resignation letter to your current employer.

3. There are no career growth and development opportunities

Life is all about growing, learning, and developing, and your employment is no exception to this rule. Organizations that offer an abundance of career growth and development opportunities often have low employee turnover rates.

If you feel like you’ve hit the ceiling at your workplace and there are no growth opportunities available, it might be time to start looking elsewhere and type out your resignation letter. 

It’s worth noting that growth at work does not always translate to financial incentives and a new job title. It also includes the opportunity to work on a new project, undertake some management training courses, or even a mentoring opportunity from an executive leader. 

4. You’ve encountered a major ethical dilemma at work

An ethical dilemma arises when you’re required to perform certain actions that result in an unethical outcome. For example, your company might force you to lie and overcommit to a customer in order to earn their business. In some cases, ethical dilemmas can have legal repercussions, such as when an accountant tries to falsify accounting data to mislead shareholders.

If your employer requires you to perform certain actions that put you in a compromising position or that violate basic ethics, you may want to consider resigning. This way, you can leave the organization with your dignity intact and avoid future consequences when the company’s unethical actions become known to the public.

Expert Tip

If you feel your organization is engaging in some unethical activities, it might be best to talk to a legal expert on what your options are. Some professions, such as lawyers and accountants, are required to abide by a professional code of ethics set by a regulatory authority. 

5. You received a better offer from another employer

While your current job might offer comfort, in the form of a decent salary, supportive colleagues, and impeccable leadership, you may consider quitting if you receive a better job offer from another organization—especially if the new offer is the next logical step in your career.

A new job opportunity will present itself with its own set of benefits and drawbacks, but if the rewards outweigh the risks, it might be time to resign. A better job offer should include a new job title, considerably higher salary, increased personal fulfillment, and alignment with your goals

6. You don’t have a work-life balance

If there’s one thing the pandemic has proved, it’s that most office jobs can be managed from the comfort of home. And this type of working arrangement is ideal for those who need more work-life balance.

If your job is not giving you enough downtime to rest and recharge or making you work long hours that affect your quality of life, you should consider quitting. Similarly, if your employer is forcing you to return to work when you enjoy working from home, find other employment that respects your decision to work remotely. 

Are you planning to quit your job and ready to make your next career move? Let us know! Using our job search strategy, we can help you find success in a competitive job market. 

Key takeaways

  1. Quitting your job is not a sign of weakness. Sometimes, it’s the right thing to do.

  2. If you’re not happy at your existing workplace, you should think about resigning. 

  3. Before handing over your resignation letter, think about your next move carefully. 

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