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Why do you need a career coach for new managers?

Why do you need a career coach for new managers?

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Just like in all other aspects of life, coaches play an integral role in an organizational setting. It’s essential that an employer makes available a career coach for new managers. They can help these new leaders, who generally lack the training or experience, ensuring that key skills are imparted and the managers are successful.

Newly-promoted managers often embody the expression of drinking from a fire hose. After all, there is so much they need to learn and figure out now that they’ve been put in charge of a team. One way to ease the transition is to have them work with a career coach. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss:

  • What makes a career coach for new managers essential

  • How to coach new managers at work

What is a coach for a new manager?

Simply put, a coach is a leader who inspires others to deliver their 100%. In an organizational setting, coaches can help new managers get acclimatized to their new job roles. Typically, these coaches provide tips on how to effectively manage people. They also conduct workshops on the soft skills all new managers need to manage operations smoothly.

Coaches play a crucial role in ensuring goal alignment between the organization and the new manager. They also help new managers with self-reflection and identifying key areas they need guidance on. Finally, a career coach for new managers is essential for the development of necessary soft skills to effectively manage people and projects:  communication skills, active listening, cultural sensitivity, and providing feedback. 

How do you coach a struggling manager?

New managers usually have a lot to learn before they’re able to lead people. In several cases, they’re thrust into management positions with inadequate training or experience. For this reason, many struggle in the initial few months of their new role.

However, there are a number of ways coaches can help struggling managers overcome obstacles and deliver their best. Here are a few tips on helping such managers:

1. Practice delegation

One of the most crucial aspects of management is delegating work. Instead of taking on all the work themselves, new managers need to learn when and how to delegate. Effective delegation not only reduces a manager’s workload, but it also boosts their team member’s morale when they are put in charge of special assignments.

Coaches can work with managers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and then determine which task can be delegated. This ensures effective delegation.

2. Work on soft skills

As previously mentioned, coaches are well-trained in different soft skills that make them effective leaders. New managers can definitely learn these skills from coaches, so that they can excel in their new roles. 

3. Identify areas of concern

Coaches are good at observing people and identifying their strengths and areas of improvement. For new managers, this means having someone who can assess their shortcomings and provide recommendations on improvement.

For example, if a new manager does not practice active listening or is harsh when it comes to providing feedback, a coach can help them overcome this issue by providing training. 

4. Build a detailed plan of action

Most jobs require individuals to prepare a 30-60-90 day plan, and management roles are no exception to this rule. Coaches can prepare detailed improvement plans for new managers with actionable goals and reasonable timelines. 

Are you looking for a dedicated career coach to help you out? See how Career.io’s Career Coaching service can help! 

Key takeaways

  1. New managers might struggle with their job role for a while.

  2. Coaches can provide proper training and mentoring so that new managers can quickly excel.

  3. Coaches can identify areas of concerns and create detailed plans for new managers.

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