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  3. Video: Understanding job interviews, part 1: effective analysis and communication
Understanding job interviews, part 1: effective analysis and communication

Video: Understanding job interviews, part 1: effective analysis and communication

Simulate a real interview

Artwork by: Katya Vakulenko

How do job interviews really work? What are the goals of the interviewer and what are they thinking when they ask the difficult questions? Most job seekers don’t have an inside view into the process. Here, we’ll give you a peak behind the curtain and help you understand the logic of interviews so you can achieve better results in your job hunt.

What most job seekers don’t think about when preparing for an interview is this: the hiring side has their own goals, considerations, and tendencies. Like any other relationship in life, understanding those goals and tendencies will help you meet people halfway or even impress them with effective communication. It’s important to take a clear and unbiased look at what interviews really are and how they’re conducted.

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