1. Career Advice
  2. Resume & CV's
  3. Video: How to turn your resume into a personal marketing tool (and get hired)
How to turn your resume into a personal marketing tool (and get hired)

Video: How to turn your resume into a personal marketing tool (and get hired)

Build your resume

Artwork by: Katya Vakulenko

Most job seekers treat resumes as a formality. By doing so, they give up a huge opportunity to increase their competitive advantage in the modern job market. How do you transform your resume from a boring application into a personal marketing tool? Let’s explore this together.

In the era of short attention spans and fast-moving information, a well-designed, consistent and personalized resume can become your calling card with desired employers. Moreover, if you can use simple design and writing fundamentals to associate your name with an application that truly stands out — you’ll be farther along than the vast majority of candidates.

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