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  3. Top 10 signs your job interview went well
Top 10 signs your job interview went well

Top 10 signs your job interview went well

Simulate a real interview

Artwork by: Olga Aleksandrova

After finishing up a job interview, you’re likely to think to yourself “Did I do a good job at that?” Well, if you notice one or more of these signs, chances are you did pretty well.

Job interviews can be tricky to manage. No matter how well-prepared you are, you’re likely to wonder how well you did after the interview concludes. Luckily for you, there are a number of tell-tale signs an interview went well.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss:

  • How to tell if your job interview went well

  • How to tell if your job interview didn’t go well

How do you know if you were successful in an interview?

During a job interview, your interviewer will likely throw a few curveballs at you. After all, they want to ensure they’re hiring the best candidate for the job. It’s important to remain confident and honest during an interview. Here are a few signs your interview went well.

1. You got introduced to other team members

If the interviewer starts to believe in your skills and that you’d make a great fit for the job, they might introduce you to other employees in the organization. These are likely to be your potential team members. 

If your interview is in person, they might show you around the office and introduce you to different people. For online interviews, they’ll either loop someone in or schedule another meeting with other people. When that happens, remain professional and courteous, and meet everyone with a smile. 

2. The interview went longer than expected

One of the hallmarks of a great interview is that it lasts for as long as it was scheduled. Sometimes, interviewers even go beyond the scheduled time if they find a job applicant interesting, confident, and enthusiastic. They’re also likely to schedule a second round of interviews at the end of the first round if they feel positive about you. 

3. The interviewer talked about your career growth

When an interviewer is genuinely interested in you, they’ll likely talk about your job role, what you’ll gain from working with the organization, and what type of career growth could be in store for you. Employers are interested in people who will stick around for the long haul, grow to senior leadership positions, and contribute to the strategic growth of the business. 

4. You connected well with the interviewer

If you feel that you gelled well with the interviewer and the conversation went smoothly, it’s probably because you have similar personalities and goals - which is a good thing. Connecting with the interviewer also indicates that you’re easy to talk to and you might be a good cultural fit for the company. 

5. The interviewer got you excited about your new role

During a job interview, make sure to show your excitement for the job. Smile, nod, and ask questions about your long-term career at the company. If the interviewer talks a lot about the benefits of working at their organization, including salary, perks, and work culture, they might be equally passionate about hiring you. Remember, your interviewer is looking for someone who is not only interested in the job but also learning more about the organization and contributing towards its long-term success.

6. The interviewer discussed next step(s) in the hiring process

In the event the interviewer is impressed by your confidence, passion, and enthusiasm, they’re likely to discuss the next phase of the hiring process with you (for example a take-home asseignment). You’ll also receive information on who’s going to be interviewing next.

7. The interviewer seemed relaxed and in a good mood

When the interviewer is relaxed and does not seem to be in any rush, it means they’re interested in learning more about you. You’ve likely made a good impression at this point. At this point, the interviewer is likely to let you do most of the talking. Similarly, if your interviewer seemed excited or energized when talking to you, it could also mean that your interview went well and that you made their day.

8. You learned a lot more about the company than you were anticipating

Interviewers who are interested in an applicant are likely to talk a lot about the job role, the expectations from the new hire, and the benefits of working with the organization. They’re likely to provide you with a lot of information on how their department/organization is growing, what direction they’re heading in, and how your role is likely to evolve with time. As a result, you end up learning a lot more about the company. 

9. You received a positive response after answering each question

During the job interview, pay close attention to the interviewer’s body language and nonverbal cues. If the interviewer is impressed by your response(s) to their question(s), they might smile or nod in agreement every time you speak. If you hear phrases like, “You could be a good fit for this role,” or “That’s exactly the kind of attitude/passion we’re looking for,” it probably means that you’ve done a good job with the interview.

10. You received a follow-up email or call after the interview

A few days after the interview, you’re likely to receive a thank-you email from the interviewer. The email might contain instructions on the next steps. Even if the email does not contain any clear instructions on the next steps, it’s likely that you’ll receive another email from the interviewer shortly. Also, if the interviewer asked you about your availability at the end of the interview (i.e., how soon can you start working with us?), then that’s a good sign as well.

When should I be worried after an interview?

While there’s no foolproof way to tell how your interview went, there are a few signs that things didn’t go too well. If you notice any of the following signs, it could indicate that your interviewer wants to consider another applicant for the job. 

The interview was too short

If your job interview was scheduled for an hour, and 20 minutes into the interview, the interviewer thanks you for your time and tells you that they’ll be in touch, that might not be a good sign. When that happens, you should also thank the interviewer for their time and remain polite and courteous. 

It’s worth noting that short interviews aren’t always bad news. If the interviewer has an emergency or a conflict with another meeting, they might expedite your interview, but then send you a follow-up email to request another interview.

The interviewer expressed some concerns

During the interview, an interviewer may express some concerns over something that’s stated on your resume. It could be anything - from a history of job hopping to a long period of unemployment. In such situations, try to keep things positive and focus on the bright side of things. There are several creative ways you can explain your resume gaps while making a good impression during an interview. 

You didn’t receive a lot of information about the job role

As stated before, an enthusiastic interviewer might talk a lot about the job role and responsibilities. If you feel that this isn’t happening, it’s possible the interviewer is not too interested. If that’s the case, you can steer the conversation toward a more positive outcome by showing interest in the job and asking questions about the job role, department function, work culture, and the organization’s long-term strategies.

What should you do if your interview didn’t go too well?

Even if you didn’t do a good job with the interview, don’t give up hope. Think of it as a learning experience and try to move on. Here are a couple of things you can do if you think you botched a job interview.

Avoid false narratives

After a job interview, a lot of us start to doubt ourselves. Our minds tell us that we didn’t do a good job and that we could’ve done better. This type of thinking only leads to more stress and anxiety. The best thing to do is to stop overthinking the interview and reliving it over and over again in your mind. Don’t give into the false narrative that you didn’t do well right after the interview.

You’re not sure whether the interview went well or not until you hear directly from the interviewer in a follow-up email a few days later. However, if you do receive a rejection email, it’s okay to request the interviewer to provide you with some feedback on your interview. Who knows, they might provide you with a list of things where you fell short. You can use this information to ace your next job interview.

Focus on the next job interview

Every imperfect interview gives you the chance to learn and get ready for the next interview. Use your reflections from the failed interview, take notes, and focus on the next one. Avoid making the same mistakes again. Try to be as authentic as possible and focus on how your education, previous experience, and skills will benefit your potential employer and help them take their business to the next level. 

Key takeaways

  1. Job interviews can be stressful. However, there are a couple of signs that indicate that your interview went well and you made a good impression on the interviewer.

  2. Irrespective of how you feel your interview went, you shouldn’t stop your job search. Keep applying to different positions until you hear back from your interviewer.

  3. Just like there are signs your interview went well, there are signs that it didn’t go too well. If that happens, don’t feel disheartened. It can be a good learning experience for you!

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