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  3. How to turn off open to work on LinkedIn after finding a new position
How to turn off open to work on LinkedIn after finding a new position

How to turn off open to work on LinkedIn after finding a new position

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When you started looking for a new job, you probably optimized your LinkedIn profile to help improve your chances of landing a great position. Now that you’ve landed that great new position, it’s time to change it again. Here’s how to turn off open to work on LinkedIn.

Your open-to-work status on LinkedIn was important when you were looking for a new job. The status advertises that you are looking for work and helps your profile pull up in the feeds of recruiters. Now that you’ve landed a new position, it’s time to update your profile. That all starts with learning how to turn off open to work on LinkedIn. 

In this guide, we will learn how to turn off that status as well as why it’s important to keep it updated. Here’s what we will cover:

  • Benefits of turning off open to work on LinkedIn

  • How to change your open-to-work status on LinkedIn

Benefits of turning off open to work on LinkedIn

Even if you haven’t landed a new position, there are some benefits to turning off open to work on LinkedIn. It’s a good idea to learn about these benefits so you can decide if changing your status is the right decision.

Here are some of the most common reasons to turn off open-to-work on Linked In:

  • Employment status. The top reason to turn off the status is that you have found a new job and are no longer looking for work. Turning off open to work on LinkedIn tells your new employer that you aren’t considering leaving your new role.

  • Attention. Having open-to-work displayed on your LinkedIn profile opens you up to messages from those you may not be interested in hearing from. That could clutter your inbox and be distracting, which can make you miss the messages you do want to see.

  • Professionalism. If you are looking to keep your professional image intact, removing the open-to-work status may help with that. Depending on the industry you are part of, the status could be viewed negatively by coworkers and other networking partners.

  • Privacy. You may also be uncomfortable with advertising that you are looking for work, especially if you are currently employed. Turning off the status is a great way to keep your employer or colleagues from seeing the status.

  • Targeted job search. For those who are still looking for work, turning off the status gives you more control over the types of jobs you are exposed to. Instead of a wide net, you can target specific roles and companies discreetly without having unsolicited offers and recruiters approach you on LinkedIn.


How to change open-to-work status on LinkedIn

Turning off open to work on LinkedIn is a fairly straightforward process. Start by logging into your LinkedIn profile. This can be done via the website directly or through the app on a mobile device. Next, click on your profile picture and visit your profile page. When on the profile page, you will see an option to edit your profile.

On a desktop, after clicking the edit profile button, scroll to the section where the “Open to Work” feature has been added. Most of the time, this profile is shown close to the top of your profile. You may even find it directly below your profile picture and headline. To make changes to your status, click the pencil next to the open to work box, then click the delete link at the bottom of the edit job preferences box.

If changing your status on a mobile device, locate the “Open to” section on your profile and click the pencil to edit that feature. You will then need to delete that from your profile, which is an option you’ll see at the bottom of the screen. 

LinkedIn will then send you through a quick process of confirming your desired changes. Once you confirm your choices, you can then save your new profile, and the open-to-work feature should be removed from your profile. Now, recruiters, employers, and others in your network will no longer be able to see the open to work tag on your profile picture.

Expert Tip

Check your work! Before moving on, take the time to ensure you have turned off the open-to-work feature. Visit your profile page and check to make sure the green banner that says “open to work” has disappeared from around your profile picture.

What frame should you choose when you aren’t looking for work?

Currently, there are three frames available on LinkedIn that can be applied to your profile picture. When you are employed, you will most likely use the original setting. However, there are times when one of the other frames may be a good option.

1. Original

The original frame is your profile picture without any type of frame. This is the best option for those using LinkedIn to network and to continue building their career. If you are not in the job market, this is the frame you will want to use.

2. Open to work

The green open-to-work frame is for those who want others on LinkedIn to know they can approach them with job openings. This wouldn’t be an appropriate setting for someone who is not looking for work or who has recently found a new position.

3. Hiring

Hiring is a frame used by recruiters and employers who have open positions within the company. Most often, you will not need to use this frame unless you are in a position where you directly hire employees.

Now that you’ve got that new job, it’s time to excel in your career! Our First 90-day Plan can help with that.

Key takeaways

  1. LinkedIn’s open-to-work tool advertises to potential employers and recruiters that you are looking for work.

  2. Turning off your open-to-work status on LinkedIn helps protect your privacy and eliminates recruiters reaching out to you unprompted.

  3. Along with the open-to-work frame, LinkedIn offers other frame options that you can use, but the original frame is typically the best option.

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