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Our guide to flex time from an employee perspective

Our guide to flex time from an employee perspective

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Artwork by: Pablo Cammello

Employers are increasingly implementing innovative scheduling techniques such as flex time. In this blog, we’ll explain what flex time is and explore its benefits from the employee perspective.

Over the past few years, flexibility has become a major factor in employee decision-making. Many professionals are tired of excessive work hours and wasted time and are looking for something better. In response to this, employers are starting to explore a range of innovative strategies, including hybrid work, remote work, and flex time. 

If you haven’t heard of flex time, it might be a fantastic way to improve your work experience and achieve a better work-life balance. Many employees with flexible schedules find that they waste less time and maintain high productivity, all while developing a schedule that matches their unique needs. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about flex time and how it works. We’ll cover the following topics:

  • What is flex time?

  • How does flex time work?

  • What are the benefits of flex time?

What is flex time?

Simply put, flex time is an innovative approach to scheduling designed to decrease waste and enhance employee satisfaction. Under the flex time model, employers allow employees to select their hours, as long as they reach a certain number of work hours or complete their deliverables on time.

For example, while most workdays go from nine to five, a flex schedule allows employees to start early on some days and later on others. This allows them to tailor their schedules to their other responsibilities. Flex schedules may also allow an employee to take a day off or work a half day, so long as they make up the time on a different day. 

How does flex time work?

There are many different flex-time arrangements used in various companies. For example, some might require employees to work a set number of hours every day, regardless of when they clock in. Others may require employees to complete a set number of hours over a week or month. Here are some of the most common flex-time arrangements that companies use:

Flexible schedule

This is the most basic type of flex time, and it works as we described above. In this system, an employee has the freedom to choose when they clock in and clock out, as long as they put in the right number of hours over a day, week, or month.

Comp time

Comp time is a type of flex time that is used by companies that have defined busy seasons and slow seasons. During the busy seasons, employees often have to work well over 40 hours per week, which can lead to burnout if not balanced out. In the comp time model, employees can choose to take time off or work fewer hours during slow seasons to balance out their exertions.

Remote work

While remote work is its own category, it is another way that companies introduce flexibility into their employees’ lives. In the remote model, employees are free to choose their hours, as there’s no need for them to work with their colleagues in a business setting. Unlike typical flex-time arrangements, remote work is usually measured in deliverables, as opposed to time worked. If an employee manages to turn in all of their work on time, it doesn't matter how much time they spend clocked in. 

Job sharing

Job sharing is an arrangement in which two or more part-time employees cover the same set of responsibilities. All parties involved are free to choose their hours as long as there’s coverage when they’re away. For this to work, there needs to be strong communication between the part-time employees, as well as an equitable distribution of work.

What are the benefits of flex time?

As an employee, flex time offers a wide range of benefits. Some of these include:

Increased job satisfaction

Employees in many fields report feeling burned out when conforming to traditional nine-to-five schedules. Flex time is a fantastic way to reduce stress and give yourself a break when you need it most. Without stress, you’re more likely to enjoy the work you do, and you may even improve your performance.

A personalized work experience

All of us have different work styles, some of which might not fit within a traditional schedule. If you’re a morning person, nine o’clock might be too late to start, while others might not fully wake up until 11 am. Flex work allows you to create a schedule that meets your needs and caters to your strengths. 

Work-life balance

All of us have tons to do outside of work. A traditional schedule can easily eat up an entire day and make it difficult to take care of other responsibilities. Flex time is a great way to ensure that you have time for the things that matter outside work. If your kid has soccer games at 3 p.m. on Thursdays, a flexible schedule allows you to make it to every one of them.

Greater productivity

As we mentioned above, flex time allows you to work when you're at your peak. This often allows you to complete more work in less time. Thai not only prevents you from wasting your time, but it’s also great for employers who want to boost productivity and reduce wasted time.

Key takeaways

  1. Flex time is an innovative approach to scheduling that allows employees to choose their hours, as long as they meet the requirements of their positions.

  2. There are many types of flex time, including flexible schedules, comp time, remote work, and job sharing.

  3. Flex time provides a wide range of benefits for employees, including increased job satisfaction, a more personalized work experience, better work-life balance, and greater productivity.

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