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  3. Video: How do you adapt to change in your career, life, and work environment?
How do you adapt to change in your career, life, and work environment?

Video: How do you adapt to change in your career, life, and work environment?

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Artwork by: Katya Vakulenko

The world is changing fast. The job market is shifting, as well as our own everyday lives. Learning how to manage the stress of change may be the key to preserving mental health, productivity and life satisfaction. The first step is understanding the fundamentals of how we evaluate and cope with change in general.

Change is one of the most powerful irritators and motivators in human life. Yet we often spend more time reacting to it than understanding it. Most people have no tools to evaluate what changes are taking place, how their personality and psychology handle change, and how they can successfully navigate new landscapes. In our modern world, these are key skills to have in your arsenal.

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